Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing increased levels of oxygen at higher than normal atmospheric pressure.
HBOT is not a drug therapy for a specific condition. It isn’t even a treatment for disease. It is a way of delivering oxygen, a nutrient that every cell in your body already requires for optimal function, and it delivers this nutrient at levels that no other tool can do.
There is roughly 21% oxygen available in the air that we breathe – with the remainder being comprised of 78% nitrogen and small amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium and hydrogen. When we inhale this air, the oxygen molecules attach to our red blood cells (haemoglobin) and are transported around the body by our blood.
In HBOT, we increase inspired oxygen to almost 100% (99.5%) and increase pressure around the body in our chamber. The increased pressure allows the additional inspired oxygen to saturate the blood plasma; these oxygen molecules are not bound to red blood cells meaning they are free to diffuse into the various body tissues; stimulating, synergising and accelerating healing.

Is HBOT safe?There have been over 5 million treatment sessions for neurological problems and other conditions that have been carried out in the UK since 1982, at similar non-profit centres, without a single serious incident. We have been providing sessions in our chamber since 1985 and have had no incidents associated with the application of HBOT due to the chamber’s safety record and our screening processes.
Are there any risks associated with HBOT?As with any therapy there are risks, however hyperbaric chambers like ours have an outstanding safety record. So much so, they were deregulated as an Act of Parliament in 2008. For further information contact the centre.
How quickly will HBOT start to work?We see positive effects from HBOT almost immediately. The anti-inflammatory properties of HBOT start to work from the moment the chamber door closes and the pressure starts to rise making it ideal for recovery from acute injury and illness. However when we apply HBOT in repeated succession we start to see a long-term, epigenetic response. This is where the oxygen starts to regulate pathways and as a result we see an expression (or increase) or suppression (reduction) of genes in the DNA. It is in this epigenetic exposure that we see the down regulation of gene pathways responsible for inflammation. With inflammation being a common feature of many chronic health conditions and diseases; this is a key area to support with symptom management and relief.
How many sessions will be needed?Depending on the specific nature of your circumstances you may only require a few sessions; for example following a sports injury. However, HBOT works cumulatively and where we want to see an epigenetic response (such as reducing chronic inflammation in a long term health condition) this will require a longer protocol of sessions. We will often recommend a block of intensive sessions over a four week period. Much like going to the gym regularly to build your fitness levels and then moving into maintenance. Every person is unique and we will help you to determine the best options for your particular symptoms and circumstances. We can make recommendations and will guide you to the best option based on our experience and wider data; however , we will also consider things like the distance you need to travel for your treatment.
Is a referral required from a Medical Professional?We are a self-referral organisation and you attend for services under your own volition. We do however encourage individuals to inform their GP that they are undertaking oxygen therapy. However we are not a medical facility and in some instances we may ask you to liaise with your GP or medical consultant to ensure that HBOT is safe and appropriate for you.
Are there any Occasions or Conditions which would be unsuitable for going into the Chamber?We like to speak to people on an individual basis to gauge suitability for HBOT. The vast majority of people tolerate being in the chamber very well; however there are some instances where we would not recommend you using oxygen therapy. Additional considerations may have to be made for people undergoing treatments for cancer or people with COPD. You should not go into the chamber if you have a cold, especially if this affects your ears or sinuses. The chamber increases in pressure, much like being in an aeroplane; if you have a cold this may affect your ability to ‘pop’ your ears and equalise the pressure within the ear. If you have any concerns, speak to a member of the team who will advise on whether you should proceed with therapy. We would encourage any clients who have had sickness and / or diarrhoea to avoid attending the centre until they have been clear of symptoms for 48 hours. This is not exclusively for chamber use and should be considered for all visits to the centre.
All therapy sessions and workshops for our members are subsidised through our fundraising efforts and supporter donations.
However, as a charity we do ask for a contribution towards each session.
It is the Charity’s policy to never deny someone support due to financial reasons and we welcome the opportunity to confidentially discuss any payment issues with anyone struggling to contribute towards their therapy sessions.

Holistic Therapies
We work with independent therapists who are experts in their relevant field of interest and provide services to clients within the Charcot Therapy centre.
We have five therapy rooms which are booked by therapists across the week to bring a range of options and services to our members.​
As our therapists are all self-employed and running their own businesses, payment and feedback should be made directly to them. Each therapist will have their own terms and conditions and will advise on their preferred method of payment.